How it works

invi bracelet

The first and only bracelet that uses scent for nonviolent self-defense.

video manual

how to activate

The Invi Bracelet is nonviolent means of self-defense that can be activated to release a scent foul enough to deter aggressors and alert others. Watch this video to learn how it works.

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How it works

the power of scent


streets of Amsterdam


See how people respond to a diluted sample of the scent. This is a similar formula also used by military for nonviolent crowed control.

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Find your answer

Frequently asked questions

The Invi Bracelet can be activated to release a repellent smell. It contains a capsule which can be broken once in case of emergency.

To unlock the bracelet from ‘safety mode’, press the safety button. Put your fingers behind the clasp and break the capsule with a firm pull.

After activation the gas-like smell can be noticed within seconds, lasting up to several hours. The smell works disturbing and repellent. However, reactions differ per person. The smell can reach over 100 meters distance and can help to alert others in the surrounding.

For self-defense only! Use the Invi Bracelet only as a last defense option. Try to get away, scream for help or asses other options to get into safety as quickly as possible. The product is mainly intended for, but not restricted to, self-defense in the case of sexual assault.

Please keep in mind that irresponsible use of the bracelet and the gas-like smell may have serious (financial) consequences (please also refer to the section “Are there any risks?”). The wearer is responsible for assessing the situation prior to using the bracelet. For example, do not use the Invi Bracelet in a crowded bar if there are other options to ward off a touchy drunk.

Go to a safe place. Remove bracelet from wrist. Remove contaminated clothes and move to fresh air. In case of skin contact: rinse skin with water and soap for at least 15 minutes.

Do not throw the Invi Bracelet away, but preserve in an empty water bottle (with closed tap) or air-sealed plastic bag, as it could be used as evidence.

Always call emergency services after use to inform about the gas-like smell. Please also inform Invi via or +31 (0)26 785 50 92

For waste disposal, please consult your local waste collection point.

NO. The sent is NOT dangerous for your health. Research (read more here) shows that exposure to the smell has not led to any adverse health effects.

Nevertheless the smell may cause headaches or dizziness, can cause irritation of the skin, eyes and/or respiratory tract. Prolonged exposure to the smell in spaces less than 50m3 should be avoided. Extra caution is required when people:

  • have respiratory diseases/COPD (e.g. asthma)
  • are hypersensitive (HSP)
  • have skin diseases where the bracelet is worn
  • are highly allergic.

Until this date we haven’t had any problems when carrying the Invi Bracelet on an airplane. Dutch Airport Security advised to carry the bracelet in an air-sealed plastic bag, in a shock proof place and ONLY in the check-in luggage compartment.

Since some airliners can follow their own legislation, we do want to emphasize that carrying the Invi Bracelet on an airplane is at your own risk.